
Submit a New Teacher to VoiceTeachers.com

This form is temporarily closed. Please contact julie@voiceteachers.com if you are intersted in adding a listing. Thank you!

* Please fill this form out completely.

* Please be careful that you enter information correctly.
We will list your information exactly as you give it to us here - mistakes and all - so make sure that it's correct!

* Please don't give us anything in all capital letters.
For those who may not know, text written in ALL CAPS is considered yelling and "rude" by internet standards.

* Include your city and state.
We list teachers by city and state to more easily assist singers in finding teachers near them. We are happy to omit your street address from your listing if you would prefer that, but we do need a city and state in order to list you.

* Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We can be reached at info@voiceteachers.com or at 650-493-7337.


Name: Address:
Phone: City:
Email: State, Zip:
I would like my street address omitted from my online listing Yes   No
  (We list teachers by location, so please give us your city and state even if you would like your street address omitted!!)
Web address (If you have a web site):  
Musical styles taught (check all that apply):   Classical   Musical Theatre   Pop/Rock   Other
Field of Expertise/Specialty:  

Please give a brief description of the services you offer. You might include a description of your teaching style or philosophy, what your current and former students are doing or anything else you think would be of interest to prospective students. Please limit it to one or two short paragraphs. We reserve the right to edit.

I would prefer: Monthly listing ($18 per month)   Annual listing ($180 per year)
Method of Payment: Credit Card   Check or PayPal (Annual listing only)
If you select check or PayPal for annual payments, we will email you directions on how to make payment.
Please use the secure form below to make your payment using a credit card:
Credit card type: Visa         Mastercard         American Express         Discover
Name as it appears on card:
Card number:
Expiration date (MM/YY):
CVV: (What's this?)
Zip code:
Please charge my card for:
  I want my own website! Please send me information about your web design services.
  Keep me posted about SingersOnline - an internet directory of professional singers coming later this year!
Additional Comments: